
Here you can find various ways to serve the church body and use your gifts. At Midland Bible, we believe loving others as God first loved us is an integral part of being a Romans 12 Church.

October 30th from 4-7pm at Midland Bible Church

MBC's annual Country Fair is a huge community wide event. We serve the community delicious fair food, provide games, inflatables, prizes, hay rides, and more for FREE! This is a unique opportunity to serve and to minister to the church and the community as a whole.  You can serve in food, set up, donations, grounds, event staff, games, tear down, and more! Leaner more about Country Fair here.
Welcomes and creates a loving environment.
Help prepare, serve, stock and be a barista at the Plaza Cafe.
Slides, sound, cameras, and video for worship and events.
Prep, cook, serve, and plan for Wednesday Nights meals.
Want to serve but not sure where to start? Contact us to learn more about where you can serve.
Learn about membership specific serving opportunities like mbcKIDS or mbcSTUDENTS.