Electives and Classes

Midland Bible Church loves to offer Electives and Classes to help foster fellowship and growth. Listed below you will find our offerings listed by days of the week.



re:gen is a biblically-based, Christ-centered, recovery program. It’s a daily walk with God in small groups, men with men, women with women. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, this program is for everyone. The Commons at 6:15.

Electives and Classes

Midland Bible Church loves to offer Electives and Classes to help foster fellowship and growth. Listed below you will find our offerings listed by days of the week.



re:gen is a biblically-based, Christ-centered, recovery program. It’s a daily walk with God in small groups, men with men, women with women. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, this program is for everyone. The Commons at 6:15.
A weekly men's gathering for Bible study, prayer, and community.  6am in the Commons.


A weekly men's gathering for Bible study, prayer, and community.  6am in the Commons.
A community of young adults gathering weekly for worship and interactive Bible study.


We are all busy. Some of us can't remember the last time we rested or even had free time. Our busyness can feel productive but it is a toxic distraction, sapping our spiritual, physical, and emotional vitality. 6:30pm in the Conference Room. Starting August 14th.
Come and See: Connect Faith & Art is  an invitation to “come and see” the intersection of our faith and art.  We will study Biblical examples of our creative God, explore significant artist contributions to our culture today, and apply the principles we collect along the way to create our own artwork each week through painting. A3.
This class focuses on helping people walk through the loss of a loved one. If you find yourself in a season of grief and loss you are invited to join a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Meets in the MBC Conference Room. Starts September 21st.
MBC believes life and marriage transformation best occurs in the context of community. Our marriage ministry, re|engage, offers a loving, supportive community to walk alongside you as you experience God’s transforming grace in your marriage. re|engage meets on Wednesdays in A1& A2.
A weekly mbcWOMEN's Bible study that meets up Wednesday Nights in the Mother's Room to study in fellowship.
Join MBC for a five week study as we examine how Christianity is the original source and firmest foundation for true diversity, equality, and life-transforming love. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Starts October 19th in A1 & A2.
mbcSTUDENTS can grab dinner and head over to the Commons starting at 5:30 as they study Romans 12.
We focus on Scripture, teaching God's love, and learning how to be disciples and share God's love, there is little to no "homework". Kids are welcome to come at any point through out the school year and not have to worry that they missed a previous week.
The big idea of Awana is a strong focus on Scripture memorization and an understanding of what these verses mean as our kids are beginning a life-long journey of learning not only who Jesus is, but on how he loves us and calls us to be His disciples to share his love with the world around us.


Do you ever feel like your true home is somewhere else? You feel that way because it is! We are all in exile from a place of paradise, and we long to return.  Much of the Old Testament revolves around this theme, which speaks directly to us in our own exile. Come join us this fall on Thursday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. in The Commons. Starting September 15th.


Parenting is overwhelming. Behavior modification, discipline strategies, and biblical methods are all in your toolbox but what's your next parenting move? Join Matt & Jen Waller and other parents as you together make faith in Jesus and hope in the gospel the core of your parenting. Starting August 21st in A2 at 9am.
Join Austin Agnew this fall for a study of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Discover how each of these gospels uniquely contributes to our understanding of the life, ministry, and mission of Jesus and as result helps shape our own lives as followers of Jesus. Starting August 14th at 9 in the Commons.
Join Hermann Eben on Sundays this fall as he unpacks how men and women are distinct, complementary, and made in God's image for relationship.  Meets in A1 beginning August 14th at 9am.