Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

mbcKIDS exists to love kids and to help them learn about loving God and loving others in a safe and fun environment.  

Sunday Morning Worship

First Service
8:45am - 10:00am

Second Service
10:30am - 11:45am

What to Expect When You Visit?
First, you should expect to be greeted by some of the friendliest people in Midland! We want your first time and every time at mbcKIDS to be one that brings a smile to yours and your kids faces. For first time visitors, come see us at the check-in booth as you enter the kids wing on the west side of the building and we will get you added to our check-in system and show you where your kids will be. Once you are added to the check-in system you can check in even faster using our self check-in stations!

We are dedicated to the safety of the children that are left in our care. In addition to the check-in / check-out process, all of our leaders, teachers, volunteers and staff are Ministry Safe screened and trained on sexual abuse awareness and prevention. We also have a safety and security team on campus helping to make sure that everyone is safe and secure while at MBC so that we can focus on what is the most important, teaching the love of God though Christ!
mbcKIDS Church
Of course we also have children's programming for birth to pre-K and mbcKIDS Church while parents attend 'Big Church'! The babies, crawlers and toddlers classrooms are all down the south kids wing hallway where they are loved on by our Ministry Safe screened and trained leaders. mbcKIDS pre-K meets in the first classrooms as you enter the north children's hall, elementary K-3rd graders meet in the rest of the classrooms in the north children's hall, and our pre-teen 4th-6th graders meet in the Nook down the back hall of the kids wing. Whether you are pre-K, elementary or pre-teen, everyone gets to participate in fun, fellowship, games, and worship that focus on Biblically-based lessons, small group discussions, and various activities to help reinforce the concepts that the kids are learning each Sunday. 

Wednesday Nights

6:30pm - 8:00pm (During the school year)
mbcKIDS offers several great options for your kids to participate in each Wednesday night during the school year from birth through 6th grade!
Awana at MBC
Sparks (K-3 grade) and T&T (4-6 grade) are offered during the school year. The big idea of Awana is a strong focus on Scripture memorization and an understanding of what these verses mean as our kids are beginning a life-long journey of learning not only who Jesus is, but on how he loves us and calls us to be His disciples to share his love with the world around us.

Roots is our mbcKIDS Wednesday Night programming for those that are looking for something different than Awana. We still focus on Scripture, teaching God's love, and learning how to be disciples and share God's love, but it differs from Awana in there is little to no "homework" involved like there is in Awana. Kids are welcome to come at any point through out the school year and not have to worry that they missed a previous week, or need to play catch up. Roots is a GREAT option for our kids that play sports or are involved in other extra-curricular activities that might make them miss some Wednesday nights or otherwise don't have the extra bandwidth for the demands of participating in Awana.

We offer childcare for our littles, birth through pre-k, while parents are involved in Wednesday Night adult electives. We don't just "babysit", but instead, our leaders demonstrate God's love by rocking babies, engaging toddlers and teaching pre-k kids in an environment designed just for them!

Kids' Day Out

Wednesdays & Fridays 9am-2pm (During the school year)
Whether you call it Mothers Day Out or Kids Day Out, our program provides children in Midland ages 1 to 4 with a safe, happy, loving, Christian environment where they can learn and grow in the love that God has for them. KDO is offered on Wednesdays and Fridays from September to May. 

Questions about mbcKIDS, Awana, Roots or KDO?

We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the form below, and
someone from mbcKIDS will be in touch.