Midland Bible Church (MBC) is committed to continually learning and providing followers of Jesus with thoughtful resources. Our online bookstore is where you will find recommended reading from our teaching series, classes, and special events. Come back often for more recommendations.
Reading Discerningly
While all of these resources align with the core beliefs of MBC the books and/or authors may not align with the theological distinctives of MBC. Interacting with any Christian book requires cultivating wisdom and discernment to embrace what is true, good, and beneficial, and to reject what may be false, poorly expressed, or unhelpful. In all this the believer is exercising and thereby developing the muscle of discernment which will enable us to live wisely and graciously. Like the Bereans in Acts 17 we ought to read eagerly “examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things [are] so” (Acts 17:11).